Market Research & Monitoring


We assess viability of products, technologies and concepts in the current and projected future regulatory and business environment.


We examine market readiness, cost and approach of the market entry,  whether it is for a new product line or expansion into new geographies  and verticals.

HomeServices / Market Studies & Monitoring / Business Evaluation / Marketing / Data Services

Market studies

Client’s business objectives predefine the depth of a market study. It can include the following components:

  • - Government impact on the market. Review of applicable state support and limitations (taxes, subsidies, grants, etc.), regulatory and geopolitical factors, macroeconomic drivers.
  • - Examination of the sector, historical analysis. Current demand for the product/service, customer buying process and habits. Analysis of economic and demographic trends affecting the future need in the product/service (regional population growth, infrastructure expansion, industry developments, exporting opportunities, etc.), market price forecasts.
  • - Analysis of competitors, their set of offerings, value-added features and services, market positioning, message, differentiators, price structure, etc.
  • - Estimation of target market segments’ size, client’s market share. 

Engagements can be augmented with the go-to- market strategy, which is built on findings and observations from the market study and client’s operational details.

Market analytical watch

Keeping abreast of all current and upcoming changes, which can affect market prices, is the key to remain competitive. Market analytical watch service supports operational and financial decisions, which extend from bidding into commodity markets to procurement and risk management. Market watch services incorporate qualitative and quantitative analysis of market events, which have direct and indirect impact on client’s operations. This informaiton includes changes in market prices supported by data on driving factors, transportation conditions, impact from political, industry events and interrelated markets, business developments, trading opportunities, and competitive forces. Reports can be tailored to meet client’s specific needs whether they are to monitor the daily market movements or to support strategic decision-making process. Reports can be developed as individual studies or periodical market monitoring digests.

Regulatory support

We help clients anticipate industry change, comply with existing and pending regulations, respond to new mandates, and manage the challenges and opportunities of changing markets and regulatory environment.​​​​​​​ We study the impact of legislation and political considerations across a wide range of issues faced by the industry and companies. We help clients anticipate change, comply with existing and pending regulations, respond to new mandates, and manage challenges and opportunities emerging from fast pacing  regulatory environment.​​​​​​​ We assist with preparation of regulatory analysis, testimonies and responses to information requests for regulatory hearing proceedings and regulatory due diligence examination for investors.